Our Approach

Many companies struggle to execute a successful preventative maintenance program. We started from scratch to totally revise the process. By partnering with us, we’ll give you the tools to achieve the accountability and true transparency needed that has been lacking for many years.

1: We will partner with you!

That’s the main reason our system out-performs the other guys. We took a new approach and rethought the entire process. Contracting with us will give you the entire system, and the people needed for your company to know that they’re winning!

2: Integrity

We provide trained, knowledgeable staff that function with integrity because we have found that people work with greater integrity when they have systems in place that foster transparent communication and accountability.

3: Simplicity

We keep it simple! Far too many maintenance programs over complicate things. They sell you the software and then leave you to figure out the rest leading to failure. We take a new approach by being the first to offer software and highly skilled people to make sure your maintenance program not only succeeds but brings the value your company deserves.

4: Accountability

The idea of having a third party performing your preventative maintenance and inspections is critical. Why? We have witnessed too many times where mechanics do not report problems that exist because they themselves will then have to perform the repairs. Having an outside vendor perform those inspections for you will eliminate problems of that sort.

5: Communication

Our three-tiered approach to the communication involved in the maintenance department through our services and with our software will revolutionize this field. Our commitment to thorough, transparent communication will ensure that your mechanic, managers, and corporate officers are all going to be on the same page and know precisely what is going on with all equipment. You will be able to say goodbye to overly complicated maintenance systems that leave things murky. Our processes will radically simplify your work environment.